The Big Three In João Pessoa You may be thinking about auto makers, people, or famous landmarks but I am talking about opportunities. This weekend (June 3-5) the church will be participating in a campaign in Mangabeira, the neighborhood with an almost year old church plant; at the end of the month the church will be hosting it's 8 th annual VBS; and in July, the church in João Pessoa will be hosting "A Grande Ceia" (The Great Supper) a three day, state-wide meeting for the church to come together to have fun, enjoy one another's company and grow through classes and sermons from God's Word. Please pray for the campaign, VBS and The Great Supper. As a congregation and as individuals we need your prayers for: · God to bless us with more trust and love in Him and for those we meet during these three big opportunities; · Coura...
News of the mission work in Brazil