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Showing posts from October, 2012

Buying Votes

   We want to thank everybody who watched the video our kids made for the Supera competition. Our video came in 6th place with over 2300 views. We had fun making it and getting people to watch it.     Toward the end of the contest, the boys lost interest when it became apparent that others were buying views for their videos, first place had over 20000 views, sometimes jumping 10000 in one day.     Yesterday was the second round of elections for mayors. This is what some streets look like after the election, trashed with propaganda.     Voting is mandatory, but if it weren’t, most people I’ve talked to wouldn’t go. I guess years of corruption and the flagrant buying of votes have made voters lose interest.     Let us pray that God will use the political situation in Brazil, whether corrupt or cleaned up, to best further His Kingdom so that more people will end this r...

From Therapy to Everything

Flávia sought Adriana McKinney for therapy, for help in dealing with years of an unhealthy marital situation. In addition to therapy, she started coming to our Wednesday prayer meeting and immediately felt welcomed and at home in the midst of God’s family. David McKinney invited her to study the Bible, and even though she had gone through a denomination’s conversion process, when she asked about baptism, she accepted unconditionally everything the Bible teaches about it: the forgiveness, the burial with Christ, the rebirth to new life, the receiving of the Holy Spirit, and she wanted it all, right then. David called us all to witness her baptism on a Thursday. And Flávia received everything that God promised us.  And she told us : I don’t want to be a bench-warming Christian; I want to work, to serve, to do everything I can to help, a...

Monica Is Back

Monica traveled to São Paulo and spent a week in a retreat for missionary wives of South America.   She came back refreshed, relaxed, renewed, rejuvenated and reminded of the important things in life.  The event was sponsored and organized by a group of women from CCC (Continent Care Connection).   The women only needed to buy their plane ticket to get to the São Paulo airport, the rest was taken cared for by this wonderful group of women.  The women received Bible classes, counseling sessions, moments of silence, solitude and prayer, relaxing massages, and of course a lot of conversation and sharing.  Meanwhile, I was left all alone with my sons.  We had fun and were very busy.  Monica left us well stocked with food; all I needed to do was make some rice.  We had some late nights and we sort of camped-in, in the living room.  We were all glad to see her come home safely and very glad she was able to have some well ...


    S.E.A.R.A. (an acronym for: Servants Sent to Announce the Kingdom of Love), you may remember began some seven years ago with the purpose of giving more Bible knowledge to members of the church.  This Saturday we spent the day studying the book of James.  Those taking courses in SEARA receive credit at EBENSR, the church's school of preaching in Recife.  Please pray:  For growth in knowledge of God's Word for those studying;   For wisdom and maturity to put their knowledge into practice in their lives.


    The elections in the U.S. are just around the corner.  Here in Brazil they are already going strong.  Yesterday was Election Day.  All Brazilians have to vote or justify to a public official at a voting center why they cannot vote in their registered district.  If the person does neither of the above he/she must pay a fine, a small insignificant amount but it must be done for you to receive your salary if you work for the government, if you want to try to get a job or a passport.  Sounds like a big deal doesn't it?  There are so many candidates from so many different parties that they have two elections when necessary.  If a candidate does not win by 50% or more on the first day then there is a second election day at the end of the month between the top two candidates.  That vote is also mandatory.                  So why am I telling you this...

The Great Supper

               The Great Supper is an annual event where all of the Christians who are able spend a weekend together, sharing, learning, playing and growing closer to one another and to Christ.  This coming weekend around 30 of us from João Pessoa will be traveling to Campina Grande for the Great Supper.             It is named the Great Supper not for the physical food we will be eating but the spiritual feast of which everyone has a seat at the table.  Last year it was held in João Pessoa and we had around 170 people. Please pray:     For spiritual growth for those present;      For boldness for us to spread God's Word to those who do not know Him.

Like Father, Like Daughter

On September 26, Nathalia was baptized into Christ.  She is a 14 year old who has been studying with Raniere Vieira and Franciele, another 14 year old Christian.  Just 18 days before Nathalia's baptism, her father Jocildo was baptized at the church's retreat. Please pray: That Nathalia and Jocildo's faith will grow daily in God and His Word.