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Showing posts from May, 2013

Growth and Interest

I have talked about Alagoinha for years. I first went there over 10 years ago. The Church began and grew and then dropped to just two members. I won't go into details in this article but the church is now slowly growing. There were 22 people present at the worship service yesterday and I was the only person visiting from another city. I was very excited to see so many people. I would have loved to have taken a picture but I forgot my camera, sorry. Please pray: that the six members in Alagoinha may continue to grow in their understanding of following Christ; that God may continue to work on people's hearts in the city of Alagoinha.

First Time Baptizing

        Last Wednesday Lucas decided to give his life to Jesus and was baptized. His parents were converted in Cajazeiras, and since moved to João Pessoa and meet with the Luna congregation. Renato started studying the Bible with him, and then Adeliton continued the study. Adeliton is one of the AME students, preparing for the mission field.   "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it,  but God has been making it grow."  1 Corinthians 3:6                  This is the first time Adeliton has baptized someone; he was excited and is preparing for more. I talked to Lucas about counting the cost of following Christ, and he said that following Christ no matter the cost is what he wants for his life.         First time baptizing, a new life bor...

May Newsletter: AME

2013 Flying          Wow! I can’t believe we are already in May, four months gone out of this year like that: 1, 2, 3, 4. The first month the Newlins and my family were in the United States, traveling from Atlanta to Phoenix reporting on the work in Brazil. The second, we arrived in time for Carnival and getting the kids caught up in school, getting settled and getting back into the routine of trips and studies. Since getting back, Jeremy has visited every congregation in Paraiba, except Belem do Brejo do Cruz – talk about wearing out the tires. The third month, the big news is AME, and you can read all about it in this newsletter. This is our first newsletter of the year, not because there has been no news, but because AME has upset our writing times, but we are working through it.   AME          The AIM program through Sunset Institute (Lubbock, TX) has had a big influence in the Joao Pess...

An Awesomely Exciting Trip

       On April 4th, I traveled to Cajazeiras with two of the students from our Brazilian AIM program called - AME. We went to teach the 120 or so kids on the theme: "How Good It Is To Be At God's Side - In the Storms of Life." Adeliton, Ayane, and I each divided up the boys into two groups and one group of girls. The ages ranged from 10 to 50 - ish in my class. The classes had a lot of discussion, and I believe at least one person in each of our groups became pensive about his or her relationship with God.        The time we spent with Café and Leila, the only supported couple working in the city for the church and who also organize all of the church, as well as, the activities for the boys and girls, was very encouraging. We spent time talking about the church and some of the difficulties. We spent time dreaming about different members of the church who came up through the soccer program and who can beg...

Sowing The Seed In A Different Way

A couple of weeks ago I traveled to Cubati, Areial, and Campina Grande. I spent most of my time in Cubati, where there are four members of the church. I talked about vision, the mission of the church, and prayer with the couple (Afonso and Vânia) that live in this city. The other two members of the church were weak in their faith; I say "were" because I talked with them and I think they were strengthened with my visit, but it seems to be a recurring theme for them.             Afonso and Vânia pray for their city, but it seems that no one listens to the Gospel. There are many denominations, and the Catholic Church is also present, but these are not the greatest problem for this city of 6,000 inhabitants. This is a city full of immorality. Perhaps it is more evident because of the small population or maybe it is just really immoral. I won't go into details right now. Afonso was telling me of how they are talking to p...

Baptisms & Other News

I am going back to Patos this weekend. I will not be teaching a seminar this time. I will be helping to plan the Grande Ceia (Great Supper) for the church throughout Paraíba in October. I will also be conducting a PORmissões meeting with the churches in the desert region of the state. Their goal for the last PORmissões meeting was to prepare at least one man to take their place preaching, organizing the order of worship and teaching Bible studies. They all did so. The goal for them to accomplish for this meeting is to train the men they prepared to prepare another man to take his place. You may be asking why. The reason is so that they can leave their congregations and begin a new body of believers, not a different body of believers but "new" because they are "new" in Christ. Two baptisms in Patos with one more close to picking up his cross. The names of the two baptized in Patos are Aldo and DaGuia. Anderson and Jessica, his wife, were b...

The Great Plain

        A couple of weeks ago I traveled to Campina Grande, this time to visit the church and spend time with the supported workers, as well as with Raianne and Rayssa.   Adeliton, Ayane, my AME travel companions for the next two months, and I stayed with Danny and Lee Bratcher. What wonderful hosts they were! Danny and I grew up in the same congregation at Joelton, TN, so we always have a good time together.         Júnior and Kátia came over to visit with us on Friday night. Júnior was going to travel to another city in Pernambuco to teach and visit with the church in that state. They used to travel with me quite often before becoming missionaries to Campina Grande. It was great to sit and visit with them and talk about past travels and dreams for the future of the church, as well as present needs and plans.            Saturday, we went to visit I...

God At Work

  At the end of April, I traveled to Patos, Emas, and Catingueira. The purpose for this trip was to teach the book of 1 John, teach a finance class to a Christian couple, visit two brothers in other cities, encourage a new church plant being done by the church in Patos, and I also wanted to talk with two of the church leaders who do not always see eye-to-eye. I was able to do everything except have some one-on-one time with the two eye-to-eye brothers. The trip was productive, encouraging and faith building. This was the first time I had ever taught on the book of 1 John. What an amazing letter! It is simple and profound, straightforward, and insightful, and faith-building, as well as an alert to those who do not practice God's Word. I have read the letter many times and even taught Bible studies from it, but I have never sat down to study the book in depth as a whole. The idea of fellowship with God and our brothers and sisters in Christ through the Holy Spirit is ...