On my last trip, I traveled to Cubati to visit the four Christians living in a city of about 6,000. Last time I visited, Afonso and Vania were spreading the seed of the Gospel through teaching members of denominations how to worship and live Christian lives. Some of the denominations began practicing things like taking the Lord's Supper every Sunday and studying the Bible more with their members. Their examples of Christian living seem to be affecting the city in a small way, now. This weekend, I got out of the car, walked into Afonso and Vania's house and was met with two 16 year old girls. Both began living with boys or men, I don't know which, when they were 14. One, Carol has already separated from her boyfriend. The other, Jessica, is still living with her boyfriend. Anyway, they have had Bible questions for a long time and no one they asked had been able to answer...
News of the mission work in Brazil