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Showing posts from 2014

Our Women: Shining Stars in the Universe

Hard Work Plus a Lot of Fun

          Sometimes people study the Bible for the sake of it. But since studying the Bible can be hard work, it is sometimes harder to get kids to do it. Though we shy away from competition, making Bible study a game is a great way to create young scholars. This past Saturday we held Brazil's XI Bible Bowl on the books Daniel and Jonah. Seven churches sent fourteen teams to compete in Recife.           The big winners again this year were from the Boa Viagem church. I think some of them memorized the whole book because they would get cranky if the question wasn't worded exactly like the text. João Pessoa had four teams competing, two came in third place in each division. Lucas McKinney had the third best score of the younger ones.           This is the second year I have directed Bible Bowl since Daniel Palk left, and I have plans for 2015 to m...


On a side note, I taught the finance class in in September. There were a total of 11 that began the course and 9 finished. I just pray that 1 or 2 will put the lessons into practice so that the church in will catch on and invest more in God's Kingdom. Please pray: that people will be more interested in investing in God's Kingdom and will therefore, manage their personal finances with more dedication; that the church in Brazil will begin to open its eyes to see the need for spending money on their spiritual family.

SEARA (Member Training)

I traveled to Patos at the end of August to teach the book of James, and I intermingled the class with the finance class, talking about contentment and using some of Dave Ramsey's practical personal finance administrative tools. It had been two years since the last time I taught the finance class in Patos and it seems that only one couple is putting some of the teachings into practice. I went back to Patos on October 16th, traveling with Enio Latorre to visit and coordinate SEARA. This four year training program will end in August 2015. We will have a graduation and the students who went through the program will continue to teach and serve their respective congregations. They will also serve throughout the state as teachers. Please pray: that these men and women who are gaining this knowledge will continue to practice the knowledge that they have of God's Word; that a new SEARA class will be welcomed by the church in Cajazeiras with many members dedicating time and ener...

Grande Ceia (Great Supper)

The Grande Ceia (Great Supper) is a state-wide event for Paraíba. One hundred and twenty people attended this 18th Great Supper, almost every church in the state represented. This year's theme was "Family, God's Project". The lesson I was gave was supposed to start at 7:30 p.m. but our group arrived at 8:30 p.m. after the long 8 hour trip. After taking our things to our rooms and eating, I spoke at 10 p.m. Most everybody stayed awake so that was good. My lesson was on "Honoring God in Your Marriage". The main point was for everyone to look in the mirror and realize that they themselves are the problem in their marriage. If we can focus on learning to love and serve and stop pointing fingers, demanding that others serve us, things would be a lot more peaceful and simpler. Please pray: that husbands and wives can mature and begin serving one another and stop looking to be served.


Pastoreai is a workshop for families and congregations who desire to establish an eldership. Not many congregations in Brazil have elderships, only 2 churches in the Northeast, that I know of, have elders . Twenty-two people came, met, talked and discussed the role of elders: what they are, what they do, how they are not perfect, but how also they have the qualities needed to help each member grow in love and service. The previous workshop had 90 participants. The attendance was down this time because it coincided with the presidential election. I gave a lesson on Abraham. There was a round table session for the speakers to answer questions, and there was good food and fellowship. Please pray: that the men of the congregations in will produce elders who exemplify Christ in everything they do; that young men may desire to serve God in this capacity as well.

Right Step Program on National TV

Brazil's number one sports program, Globo Esporte, did a special report on Passo Certo (Right Step). This is a testament to how the church's program is receiving recognition for its results. Though you may not understand what they are saying, click the link below and watch it. The commentator at the end congratulates Café and all those who support this program, and that, ladies and gentlemen, includes you. ATTENTION: jump to the 4m30s point on the video timeline. Globo Esporte: Passo Certo  

September Newsletter: The Harvest Edition

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "The harvest indeed is plentiful,  but the laborers are few. Pray, therefore, to the Lord of the harvest,  that he send forth laborers into his harvest." Matthew 9:37-38                                            What does it take for someone to make the incredible decision to give his or her whole life away in the here and now for the hope of reaping an eternal life beyond death? Sometimes years of Bible study, sometimes just one sermon, sometimes hardships in life, sometimes a wonderful victory, sometimes making new friends, sometimes losing family, sometimes being crushed under the weight of guilt, sometimes getting tired of this old life or  could it be that God, through his Spirit works these details into a formula personalize...

Baptisms in Cajazeiras

     In the month of August, two people were baptized in Cajazeiras one of which was in connection with the Right Step Program (the soccer school run by the church). Natanael is 15 years old and has been in the soccer program for two years. Aparecida is 36. She is not in the soccer program obviously.      There was also a co-worker of Leila, Café's wife, who was baptized during the women's seminar in João Pessoa. Please pray: * that these new babes in Christ will grow in their love for God and for their neighbor, * that they may dedicate more of their time to study God's Word and learn His will.

God is Bigger and He is Working

            The month of July was full of activities here in João Pessoa .  As a church, we watched Brazil play the World Cup, held VBS and held a PORMISSOES meeting,  the meeting that gathers workers from almost every congregation in the state.  At its peak there were 26 people in attendance.               We talked about the ideas from the last meeting in March, visits made from one church to another, the role of the evangelist in the congregation, what is the purpose of an eldership, what are the qualifications for these men, and how the evangelist can work to raise up such men.             We set up visits from one church to another until the next meeting in October in the city of Cajazeiras . 

You Never Forget Your First Job

During our "winter" month of July, where temperatures got down to the low 70's and the high's in the mid 80's, Nicholas' worked for 15 hours a week at a mechanic shop.  This was during the school break.  The purpose was for Nicholas to learn responsibility (getting up and going to work during the three days a week that he set up to go), work ethic (honest and hard work), and financial responsibility (learning that a man must work to take care of his family and how to administer the money received from working).   He received money from Reinaldo, his mentor, the first week.  After that week Monica and I paid him for a week's work.  I did not tell Nicholas that he was going to receive money for working.  Monica and I had decided to pay him 15 reals (the Brazilian money) per week, but we did not tell him.  At the end of the month he would finish working and begin asking for his "salary."  After receiving it, he had to divide it...

SEARA (Harvest)

SEARA (Harvest) During the past month I travelled twice to Patos for classes taught by Isac and Ricardo. I also visited members of the church in the state of Paraíba.   The classes were on the Pentateuch and Exegeses/Hermeneutics, part of the curriculum of S.E.A.R.A. (acronym for Servants Sent to Announce the Kingdom of Love ).  The purpose of SEARA is to train members of the church who are already active in their congregations by giving them more Biblical knowledge and teaching them how to study the Bible for themselves.  As you have probably guessed I go once a month to this city.  I do not teach every class but I go to take advantage of a group of active members from a couple of congregations coming together to study God's Word and develop deeper relationships with them.   The classes are going well and I have seen God's Word changing people's lives. Please pray for these classes and the disciples who have a great desire to lear...

Prayer Request

Please pray for upcoming events and classes in the coming months. 1.          Finance Class - I give this class once a year in João Pessoa to the church.  The purpose is for the church to administer well their personal finances so that they will not be in debt, live more peacefully financially, have better marriages, and invest in God's Kingdom with more joy.  This year the class will be September 11-14th. 2.          Pastoreai - I will be teaching at this seminar in Recife , on October 3-5th, to help prepare men to understand what an eldership is and how to develop men into "eldership material". 3.          Grande Ceia - A state-wide event, called The Great Supper, for the churches to get together for fellowship, teaching, singing, and eating.  I will be teaching at this event, October 10-12th. 4.       ...

The Fall of a god

     A lot has happened since the last time we talked.  The World Cup has ended, and Brazil was not the champion, in fact the country was shamed by a 7 to 1 loss to Germany .  There were not many riots as people were expecting to happen.  People just went back to work and still a over a month later talk about how bad Brazil played.  The expectations to win a World Cup have been pushed back many years.  Germany seems to be the favorite to win the next World Cup.      There are many Brazilians who, I guess you could say, worship soccer.  Yes, soccer is their "god".  They may not think so.  I am sure they would all deny this fact because it sounds outrageous, but they eat, sleep, and drink soccer.  They stay out late at night with strangers at soccer matches instead of being with their families at home. They take their meals in front of a soccer game on TV instead of eating at the table with their famili...

SMYRNAEANS, by David McKinney

                We were privileged to receive a   wonderful group from Highland Heights Church of Christ, Smyrna - TN.   Zachary Bannister, who works with the college age, brought a group of fourteen young men and women down to João Pessoa to work with us for nine days. Some were crazy, some were sweet, but all of them were determined to serve at the Lord's feet.                 They visited four church meetings on Sunday, the day after they arrived, and I don't recall any of them falling asleep. They worked hard evangelizing, door-knocking, enjoying fellowship with the brethren, participating in youth devotionals and activities, making new friends, visiting homes, catching the mid-night restaurant Bible study, interacting with English students from our Bible Clubs, throwing an English party to invite people to Let's Sta...