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Showing posts from May, 2014

With or Without Her

     Ricardo was baptized in October of last year and began telling others about Jesus soon after. As a result, he invited Joseph and me to study the Bible with Fernandes, who owns a used car lot. Fernandes said that he had given his life to Christ over 20 years ago, but he had never been baptized. We studied with him about what the Bible says about baptism. He said that he wanted to be baptized but was waiting for his daughter and wife to be available to witness his new birth. I tried to convince him of the urgency, but he decided to wait anyway. While Joseph and I traveled, Francinaldo gave the Bible study. Something I said and the contact with Francinaldo led Fernandes to do some hard thinking and he decided: he couldn't wait anymore, he had to be baptized with or without the presence of his wife and daughter. And so, he was buried and raised to new life in Christ on Tuesday, May 27, 2014. One new life producing life in others. Please pray: * that God may con...

Calling All Portuguese-Speaking Teachers

            World Bible School studies the Bible with thousands of people around the world through correspondence and the internet. Since the studies were in English, we haven't used their material much, but now WBS has translated everything into Portuguese, so we have a new resource for spreading God's Word. Currently WBS has about thirty students waiting for a Portuguese-speaking teacher. And if we start advertising, they will have many more. So brush up on your Portuguese and sign up as a teacher - it's simple. Log on to and click on the Become a Teacher button. Be sure to choose Portuguese as your language if indeed you know it. If not, they always can use English speakers too. I am excited about this new avenue: not only can be our mission partners through prayers and funds, but also as Bible teachers of contacts in Paraiba. May God open up each students to His Word as he or she seeks His Will...

Into All the World

I traveled to Tennessee in May to speak at the Hendersonville church's first Mission Conference, the theme: Into All the World , my lecture, "When Culture Changes, What do We Change?"           The purpose of the conference was to bring people to become mission-minded, whether around the world or in their own backyard. Besides having the opportunity to speak about something I feel strongly about, the conference was good for me because of the contact with other works, like World Bible School, that now offers lessons in Portuguese or World Christian Broadcasting, and their need for material in Portuguese for reaching African countries like Mozambique or Angola.           I thank the Hendersonville church of Christ for the opportunity to participate in this event. I pray that the conference will continue in following years, bringing the saved to become better prepared to reach the lost.