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Showing posts from September, 2014

September Newsletter: The Harvest Edition

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "The harvest indeed is plentiful,  but the laborers are few. Pray, therefore, to the Lord of the harvest,  that he send forth laborers into his harvest." Matthew 9:37-38                                            What does it take for someone to make the incredible decision to give his or her whole life away in the here and now for the hope of reaping an eternal life beyond death? Sometimes years of Bible study, sometimes just one sermon, sometimes hardships in life, sometimes a wonderful victory, sometimes making new friends, sometimes losing family, sometimes being crushed under the weight of guilt, sometimes getting tired of this old life or  could it be that God, through his Spirit works these details into a formula personalize...

Baptisms in Cajazeiras

     In the month of August, two people were baptized in Cajazeiras one of which was in connection with the Right Step Program (the soccer school run by the church). Natanael is 15 years old and has been in the soccer program for two years. Aparecida is 36. She is not in the soccer program obviously.      There was also a co-worker of Leila, Café's wife, who was baptized during the women's seminar in João Pessoa. Please pray: * that these new babes in Christ will grow in their love for God and for their neighbor, * that they may dedicate more of their time to study God's Word and learn His will.