Monica and I traveled to Patos with another couple from João Pessoa to teach a couples meeting. I taught a lesson based on the book "Love and Respect" by Emerson Eggerichs. I recommend the book. Although I will say that, I did not enjoy reading the book but the principles taught based on Ephesians 5:33 are very true. The more I think and meditate on the author's comments on Ephesians 5:33 the more they make sense. There were around 20 couples present; besides the lesson from God's Word, we played games. Directly after the couples meeting we traveled back to João Pessoa, arriving around 2:10 in the morning. I taught Sunday school and preached on John chapter 7; Monica also taught her Sunday school class and talked to various people about VBS. She has coordinated VBS for the last two y...
News of the mission work in Brazil