I traveled to Patos on the 23 rd of April to meet with the men of the desert region (yes, that is what that region of the state is called), I know you are probably thinking of the Sahara or Death Valley, it is not sand dunes and mirages but it is hot and it does not rain a lot. (I was not trying to rhyme). Truth be told, I really did not want to go to this meeting. I was feeling a little depressed. I went anyways. I would usually ask someone to go with me for the 4 ½ hour trip and to meet with the men but I wanted to be alone. Anyways, enough about me. I am glad that I did go. These men are encouraging to be around. They are visiting one another. They are planning activities together and thinking about how to evangelize their region of the state. The PORmi...
News of the mission work in Brazil