When the pandemic hit, everything closed down, flights were cancelled, and hotels were closed. A lot of people were stuck, like four families, visiting from Belem in March 2020. Our home has been called McKinney Hotel for years, and it was opened for business. The twenty-four people from BelĂ©m camped out at our house for a week until they got a flight home. What a fun week! Since then people have stayed days, nights, some for a week, one family for three weeks, one sister (avoiding staying with her great grandfather) for six weeks. Our home has also been a hospital for sick people avoiding Corona infested hospitals. One sister on an IV spent a week here, and a three-year old, a couple of nights, while his parents were in the hospital with baby sister (Covid suspicion, it was just Dengue fever). Sister Sula also stayed with us this week. Yesterday Edda and Rossana took her to Recife to be operated on – large intestinal malignant tu...
News of the mission work in Brazil