Our young missionaries, in the AME program, have just completed their nine-month training in Joao Pessoa. This class started with nine students but only eight finished this first part of the program. They had to deal with the Covid-19 protocols and social contact restrictions. They responded well to the situation, although the pandemic limited certain training activities, such as, visitation and campaigns. The church had an all-night prayer vigil for them. This meeting is done in a dynamic way, using singing, small groups, coffee and snacks to help keep the participants awake. In one of the activities, we divided up into three groups. The students would rotate among the groups as we prayed over them and expressed to them our appreciation. I ended up in the same group with Ayane, AME secretary, and Raniere, AME director. The three of us spent a lot time with the students on a weekly basis. As we spoke to each student, the word that kept being repeated over and over was GROWT...
News of the mission work in Brazil