I want to thank everyone for their prayers during carnaval (Mardi Gras). As far as I know, everyone had a safe and peaceful trip to their respective retreats around Brazil. In Patos we had a wonderful time of fellowship (staying up till 2 or 3 a.m. with the young people) talking about love, salvation and evangelism. The food was plentiful and very good. The lessons we heard made us reflect on our decisions, their consequences and opened our eyes to see God at work in the World. I asked some people what was their favorite part of the retreat; Dylan said, "the offering" (collection). What a surprising and wonderful answer. Another person was lamenting that they did not spend a lot of time with most of the people at the retreat. She spent most of her time getting to know one of the members from another congregation. Nicholas said, "sometimes it is time better spent getting to know one person more intimately than talking with a lot of people and speaking on a superficial level." God is maturing His Church. The retreat was a great way to start off the year in fellowship. Thank you once again for your prayers. |
In 1993 when we came in contact with a young struggling couple in Caruaru, Paulo and Simone, we never imagined what plans God had in store for them. Now 18 years later (Wow, has it been that long?), after conversion, ups and downs, growing pains, working to further the Kingdom and living it, they have had the pleasure to witness the beginning of their daughter's life in Christ. Juliana (age ten) was baptized by her older brother, Jheymerson, who was also ten years old when he gave his life to Jesus. What a wonderful blessing to have one's whole family saved in Christ! Maria and Cícero were also converted when we lived in Caruaru, though single at the time. They dated and got married, the ceremony performed by yours truly. Maria has been faithful to Jesus all these years though going through several difficulties. Cícero, on the other hand, fell away, but came back and renewed his life and his marriage, and now, along with Juliana, his daughter Vitória (age ten) was baptize...
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