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Showing posts from February, 2010

Jorginho's Soul's Desire

          This is Jorginho. First contact occurred in 1999 when Jeremy taught a weekly Bible study close to his house. His mother and sister were baptized, but he wasn't ready. We lost contact for several years, but just recently Jorginho started searching and now he has found his soul's desire. He studied the Bible with Junior, Francinaldo, and Ivani, and was baptized this past Sunday. Please pray for Jorginho and for his family (wife and child), that they may clearly see Jesus transforming his life and be drawn to the Lord.


The only negative experience we had at the Congresso was trying to sleep. I spent most of the nights waving mosquitoes off my boys. Poor Samuel must have sweet blood. I tried counting the bites he had on his face and lost count after passing 100. Notice his red ears - those are bites on bites on bites.

Three Added to God's Family at the Congresso

        The 24th Northeast Christian Congresso is an annual conference for the churches in our region of Brazil. The church in Caruaru hosted this year's.         The theme,  "Family: God's Project" better prepared the 200 participants from 25 cities to live God's purpose in their homes.         Three people there who had studied the Bible with Paulo Rodrigues decided to give God's purpose first priority. A husband and wife, Aelson and Josiane, were baptized. Also Aiane, a girl from Belo Jardim, received Christ.         Thank you, Father, for this event. Strengthen and mature these new babies in your Family, and may they produce much fruit to your Glory!